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Thank you for attending our family friendly Ecology Ride on Saturday!

It was wonderful to meet you and spend the day riding bikes and connecting with nature! 

FYI - I mapped out the route we did on Saturday, including the detours to the Nature Center and the burn scar, and according to Ride with GPS, we did 6.3 miles! Congratulations everyone. Great job!

Gracias por atender nuestro paseo ecológico famliar el sábado!

Fue muy bueno conocerlos y pasar el dia rodando en bicis y conviviendo con la naturaleza.

Por si acaso les interesa - puse nuestra ruta en un mapa, incluyendo los desvios al centro naturista y la cicatriz de quemazon. Segun Ride with GPS, hicimos 10 kilómetros (6.3 millas)! Felicidades a todos. Buen trabajo!

Please join me in thanking our sponsor, Nature for All, by taking action today. 

The San Gabriel Mountains provide 70% of Los Angeles County’s open space! Urge Congress to pass bills that would ensure our threatened natural resources remain protected, vibrant and accessible to all, now and for future generations.


Juntos podemos dar gracias a nuestro patrocinador, Naturaleza para Todos, por medio de tomar acción ahora.

Las Montañas San Gabriel proveen 70% del espacio abierto en el condado de Los Angeles! Dígale a Congreso que pasen legislación que asegure que nuestros recursos naturales sigan protegidos, vibrantes, y accesible a todos, ahora y por generaciones en el futuro.


SGV Greenway Network

The SGV Greenway Network I mentioned is actually a plan to transform the channels, washes and creeks that feed into the San Gabriel and Rio Hondo rivers into a network of bicycle and pedestrian pathways.  Learn about the plan and take their survey here: https://www.sgvgreenway.org/


La Red Verde del Valle San Gabriel

La Red Verde del Valle San Gabriel que mencioné en realidad es un plan para transformar a los canales y arroyos que fluyen hacia los ríos San Gabriel y Rio Hondo a una red de caminos de bicicleta y peatonales. Aprenda más y tome la encuesta aquí: https://www.sgvgreenway.org/


Los Angeles-San Gabriel Mountains Urban Shuttle System

The shuttle system I mentioned is actually called the Los Angeles-San Gabriel Mountains Urban Shuttle System. To learn more about Nature For All and the shuttle system, click here: https://lanatureforall.org/connections-to-nature/ 

El Sistema Lanzadero Urbano Los Ángeles a Montañas San Gabriel

El sistema de transporte que mencione en realidad se llama El Sistema Lanzadero Urbano Los Ángeles a Montañas San Gabriel. Para aprender más acerca de Naturaleza para Todos y el sistema lanzadero, haga click aquí : https://lanatureforall.org/connections-to-nature/ 

Please share photos with us!

Tag us on social media:

Facebook @LosAngelesCountyBicycleCoalition

Instagram @lacbc

Twitter @lacbc

You can also reply to this email and attach your images. 

If you’re interested in doing an 11 mile ride that starts at the same location and visits some of the same content we visited on Saturday, visit our self-guided ride overview of Plants & Fire in Azusa.

LACBC has a library of self-guided rides all throughout the County. Click the button below to view our library of audio guides.

Stay up to date with upcoming classes, rides and community events that are working on making LA a better place to ride. 

Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition
PO Box 17733  | Long Beach, California 90807
2136292142 | info@la-bike.org

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