| | | | | | |  | Welcome to the debut of our new look! We worked with graphic designer Sarah Kaja to create a more streamlined and user friendly NewsCycle. Drop us a line and let us know what you think! |
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Metro Bicycle Education Safety Training (BEST) Program Classes |
| Metro is working with local non-profit bike organizations to help make bicycling safer in Los Angeles by conducting bicycle traffic skills classes and sponsoring community rides countywide. These safety education classes and rides are free to the public. |
Metro Bicycle Education Safety Training (BEST) Program Classes |
| Metro is working with local non-profit bike organizations to help make bicycling safer in Los Angeles by conducting bicycle traffic skills classes and sponsoring community rides countywide. These safety education classes and rides are free to the public. |
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Bicycling 101: Choosing the Right Bike (ActiveSGV) SATURDAY APRIL 10 10AM - 11AM PDT Bicycling 101: Bike Basics (ActiveSGV) WEDNESDAY APRIL 14 6PM-7PM PDT Bicycling 101: Bike Fit (ActiveSGV) SATURDAY APRIL 24 10AM-11AM PDT |
Bicycling 101: Rules of the Road for Group Riding (PMJ) TUESDAY APRIL 13 12PM - 1PM PDT Bicycling 101: Biking and Public Transit (LACBC) SATURDAY APRIL 17 2PM - 3PM PDT Ciclismo 101: Bicicletas y seguridad en el transporte público (LACBC) SÁBADO 24 DE ABRIL 2PM - 3PM PDT |
Bicycling 101: Choosing the Right Bike (ActiveSGV) SATURDAY APRIL 10 10AM - 11AM PDT Bicycling 101: Bike Basics (ActiveSGV) WEDNESDAY APRIL 14 6PM-7PM PDT 10AM - 11AM PDT Bicycling 101: Bike Fit (ActiveSGV) SATURDAY APRIL 24 10AM-11AM PDT |
Bicycling 101: Rules of the Road for Group Riding (PMJ) TUESDAY APRIL 13 12PM - 1PM PDT Bicycling 101: Biking and Public Transit (LACBC) SATURDAY APRIL 17 2PM - 3PM PDT 12PM - 1PM PDT Ciclismo 101: Bicicletas y seguridad en el transporte público (LACBC) SÁBADO 24 DE ABRIL 2PM - 3PM PDT |
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Bicycle Maintenance: Fix-A-Flat (PMJ) THURSDAY APRIL 22 12PM - 1PM PDT |
Bicycle Maintenance: Brake Adjustments (ActiveSGV) WEDNESDAY APRIL 28 6PM - 7PM PDT |
Bicycle Maintenance: Fix-A-Flat (PMJ) THURSDAY APRIL 22 12PM - 1PM PDT |
Bicycle Maintenance: Brake Adjustments (ActiveSGV) WEDNESDAY APRIL 28 6PM - 7PM PDT |
| Our self-guided bicycle route for April is out! |
| FatTire Presents: Zooming in on the Microscopic celebrates National Beer Day & Earth Day by taking a closer look at some local microbes. This 13 mile ride starts in Downtown LA at 7th St/Metro Station and visits a sake bar, a winery, a kombucha brewery and more. At each stop, we feature places utilizing microbes to create complex systems humans have relied on for thousands of years. |
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Metro Bicycle Education Safety Training (BEST) Program Classes |
| Metro is working with local non-profit bike organizations to help make bicycling safer in Los Angeles by conducting bicycle traffic skills classes and sponsoring community rides countywide. These safety education classes and rides are free to the public. |
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| Earn the Badges. Complete the Challenge! |
| Trying to figure out how much you need to bike, walk or run each week in order to complete your chosen distance in this June’s LA River’s Challenge? We’ve broken it down for you with our week-to-week badges! Click the button below to learn more. Register for the challenge online at LARiversChallenge.com. Remember to use code EARLYBIRD10 to get $10 off. |
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| Earn the Badges. Complete the Challenge! |
| Trying to figure out how much you need to bike, walk or run each week in order to complete your chosen distance in this June’s LA River’s Challenge? We’ve broken it down for you with our week-to-week badges! Click the button below to learn more. Register for the challenge online at LARiversChallenge.com. Remember to use code EARLYBIRD10 to get $10 off. |
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The Bicycle Film Festival is celebrating its 20th Anniversary |
| The 20th Anniversary of Bicycle Film Festival is going virtual! BFF is arriving in Los Angeles virtually. Bicycle Film Festival has been celebrating bicycles through art, film and music for the last 20 years with over 90 cities worldwide and a viewer audience of 1 million and growing. |
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The Bicycle Film Festival is celebrating its 20th Anniversary |
| The 20th Anniversary of Bicycle Film Festival is going virtual! BFF is arriving in Los Angeles virtually. Bicycle Film Festival has been celebrating bicycles through art, film and music for the last 20 years with over 90 cities worldwide and a viewer audience of 1 million and growing. |
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| FREE Metro E-Bike Rides on Earth Day |
| Mark your calendars! Earth Day is Thursday, April 22 and Metro Bike Share will be offering free 1-Rides all day long. |
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| FREE Metro E-Bike Rides on Earth Day |
| Mark your calendars! Earth Day is Thursday, April 22 and Metro Bike Share will be offering free 1-Rides all day long. |
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| Take the Bicycle Commuter Survey |
| Are you an experienced bike commuter looking to support people who want to start commuting by bike? Are you a novice cyclist that wants to one day commute by bike? We want to hear about your bicycling experience in Los Angeles! You can help shape the future of commuting in LA by taking the Bicycle Commuter Survey. Click the button below to take the survey, learn more about the project, and enter a drawing to win a locally made, high-viz, RoadRunner Bag! Surveys are available in English, Spanish, Korean, and Chinese. |
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| Take the Bicycle Commuter Survey |
| Are you an experienced bike commuter looking to support people who want to start commuting by bike? Are you a novice cyclist that wants to one day commute by bike? We want to hear about your bicycling experience in Los Angeles! You can help shape the future of commuting in LA by taking the Bicycle Commuter Survey. Click the button below to take the survey, learn more about the project, and enter a drawing to win a locally made, high-viz, RoadRunner Bag! Surveys are available in English, Spanish, Korean, and Chinese. |
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| Oscars Arrive at Union Station |
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| Oscars Arrive at Union Station |
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| Metro is still looking for bus operators |
| Click the button below to find out if you're eligible and how to apply. |
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| | Metro is still looking for bus operators |
| Click the button below to find out if you're elibible and how to apply. |
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| Help make L.A. a great place to bike! |
LA COUNTY BIKE MATCH Help us bring bikes to people in need with #LACountyBikeMatch! |
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STRAVA COMMUTE A running and cycling computer to track and share your commuting stats based on Strava Metro. |
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SEATYLOCK Support LACBC while securing your bike. When you make a purchase at Seatylock through the link below, a portion of your purchase goes to suppport LACBC! |
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LIME HERO Thank you to all of you who have supported LACBC by opting to donate a slice of your Lime Ride! |
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LA COUNTY BIKE MATCH Help us bring bikes to people in need with #LACountyBikeMatch! |
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STRAVA COMMUTE A running and cycling computer to track and share your commuting stats based on Strava Metro. |
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SEATYLOCK Support LACBC while securing your bike. When you make a purchase at Seatylock through the link below, a portion of your purchase goes to suppport LACBC! |
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LIME HERO Thank you to all of you who have supported LACBC by opting to donate a slice of your Lime Ride! |
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Bike Shops Open During the Pandemic |
| LACBC has teamed up with Business Partners to support businesses that support bicycling. Current LACBC members can show their membership card and save at business partners! |
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| Flying Embers Brewery is a stop in this month’s Intersections Self-Guided Ride |
| Check this spot out on your own or ride our 13 mile tour, Fat Tire Presents: Zooming in on the Microscopic. Flying Embers Brewery is a kombucha brewery that is dedicated to supporting first responders and firefighters. Their goal is to produce practical beverages that celebrate and highlight the experience of life. Flying Embers is rooted in ancient traditions and enhanced with innovative fermentation techniques that create great tasting botanical brews with functional benefits! |
| | FLYING EMBERS 1581 INDUSTRIAL ST, Los Angeles, CA 90021 Order for pikcup at FlyingEmbers.com: 1pm - 8pm |
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| Los Angeles and Regional Updates |
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| Los Angeles and Regional Updates |
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|  | | Countywide Metro Board approves $36 million increase to contract with LAPD, Long Beach PD, & the LA Sheriff’s Department |
| Plus, the Board approved two motions: one to develop a plan on how to compensate members of its new Public Safety Advisory Committee and another motion to include $40 million in the budget for the upcoming fiscal year to improve safety on the system and connect unhoused folks to services. |
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|  | | Countywide Modernizing the Highway Program |
| We did it! In a unanimous vote 5-0 vote, the Metro Planning and Programming Committee approved the “Modernizing Metro Highways” proposal, and directed staff to share the proposed language revisions with the public for review and comment. Metro also shared the proposal with the Council of Governments across Los Angeles County for feedback. Your action last month to make your voice heard made a difference! Click the button below to view the plan. |
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|  | | Countywide Metro Board approves $36 million increase to contract with LAPD, Long Beach PD, & the LA Sheriff’s Department |
| Plus, the Board approved two motions: one to develop a plan on how to compensate members of its new Public Safety Advisory Committee and another motion to include $40 million in the budget for the upcoming fiscal year to improve safety on the system and connect unhoused folks to services. |
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|  | | Countywide Modernizing the Highway Program |
| We did it! In a unanimous vote 5-0 vote, the Metro Planning and Programming Committee approved the “Modernizing Metro Highways” proposal, and directed staff to share the proposed language revisions with the public for review and comment. Metro also shared the proposal with the Council of Governments across Los Angeles County for feedback. Your action last month to make your voice heard made a difference! Click the button below to view the plan. |
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|  | | Los Angeles - Citywide LA City Council votes to support the Safety Stop and E-Bike Subsidies |
| On Tuesday, April 6, the LA City Council voted 14-0 to adopt two resolutions that voiced support for making the safety stop a part of the CA Vehicle Code and the creation of subsidies at the state and federal levels for e-bikes. We will continue to monitor the bills at the state and federal levels to keep you updated on their progress. |
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|  | | Central Los Angeles Metro’s Dodger Stadium Express will be back in action on opening day, Friday April 9. |
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|  | | Los Angeles - Citywide LA City Council votes to support the Safety Stop and E-Bike Subsidies |
| On Tuesday, April 6, the LA City Council voted 14-0 to adopt two resolutions that voiced support for making the safety stop a part of the CA Vehicle Code and the creation of subsidies at the state and federal levels for e-bikes. We will continue to monitor the bills at the state and federal levels to keep you updated on their progress. |
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|  | | Central Los Angeles Metro’s Dodger Stadium Express will be back in action on opening day, Friday April 9. |
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|  | | Central Los Angeles - Arts District/Little Tokyo Arts District Station Revamp |
| There are two environmental review scoping meetings coming up for proposed Arts District Metro station. |
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|  | | Westside to Northeast LA The Westside Central Service Council is meeting April 14 at 6pm. |
| This area covers Malibu all the way to Eagle Rock. Let them know you support Eagle Rock Forward's Beautiful Boulevard proposal to bring the NoHo to Pasadena BRT to Colorado Blvd. |
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|  | | Central Los Angeles - Arts District/Little Tokyo Arts District Revamp |
| There are two environmental review scoping meetings coming up for proposed Arts District Metro station. |
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|  | | Westside to Northeast LA The Westside Central Service Council is meeting April 14 at 6pm. |
| This area covers Malibu all the way to Eagle Rock. Let them know you support Eagle Rock Forward's Beautiful Boulevard proposal to bring the NoHo to Pasadena BRT to Colorado Blvd. |
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|  | | Central Los Angeles Upcoming Town Hall to discuss 4th St Improvements |
| BikinginLA reports that there will be a Transportation Town Hall on April 14 at 6pm to discuss this survey. If you live, work or ride through 4th St in the Hancock Park area, make sure to make your voice heard. |
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|  | | Central Los Angeles Show your support for LADOT’s plan to install protected bike lanes on San Vicente. |
| Make sure your voice is heard over those who want to stop the bike lanes. |
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|  | | Central Los Angeles Upcoming Town Hall to Discuss 4th St Improvements |
| BikinginLA reports that there will be a Transportation Town Hall on April 14 at 6pm to discuss this survey. If you live, work or ride through 4th St in the Hancock Park area, make sure to make your voice heard. |
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|  | | Central Los Angeles Show your support for LADOT’s plan to install protected bike lanes on San Vicente. |
| Make sure your voice is heard over those who want to stop the bike lanes. |
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|  | | San Fernando Valley LADOT is seeking feedback on the Reseda Blvd Complete Streets Project |
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|  | | San Gabriel Valley The San Gabriel Valley Service Council is meeting Monday April 12 at 5pm. |
| Part of the agenda includes an update on the NoHo to Pasadena BRT. Attend the meeting or submit comments to show your support for Beautiful Blvd in Eagle Rock. |
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|  | | San Fernando Valley LADOT is seeking feedback on the Reseda Blvd Complete Streets Project |
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|  | | San Gabriel Valley The San Gabriel Service Council is meeting Monday April 12 at 5pm |
| Part of the agenda includes an update on the NoHo to Pasadena BRT. Attend the meeting or submit comments to show your support for Beautiful Blvd in Eagle Rock. |
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| |  | | Pasadena Help shape Lake Ave |
| Pasadena DOT is hosting its 3rd workshop for the North Lake Avenue Traffic and Pedestrian Safety Enhancement Plan. The study covers Lake Ave between Mountain and Maple St. The workshop is virtual so you can participate at any time until April 18. |
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|  | | South Bay Cities South Bay Cities Service Council is meeting tomorrow 4/9 at 9:30 am. |
| Part of the agenda includes an in-depth look at the Willowbrook/Rosa Parks Station Improvement Project. |
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| |  | | Pasadena Help shape Lake Ave |
| Pasadena DOT is hosting its 3rd workshop for the North Lake Avenue Traffic and Pedestrian Safety Enhancement Plan. The study covers Lake Ave between Mountain and Maple St. The workshop is virtual so you can participate at any time until April 18. |
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|  | | South Bay Cities South Bay Cities Service Council is meeting tomorrow 4/9 at 9:30 am. |
| Part of the agenda includes an in-depth look at the Willowbrook/Rosa Parks Station Improvement Project. |
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| Make L.A. safer and more fun to ride! Join us! |
| This is a space for Angelenos to remember and honor those who have passed while riding in L.A., for whatever reason. If you would like to share a few words about someone you know that passed away while riding, please click here. We will be sharing a couple of these remembrances in each newsletter. |
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| Antonia Ramirez, Killed on 3/29/21. This person was 22 years old. Antonia Ramirez was struck while riding a bike around 1am near Foothill Blvd and Huntington Dr in Irwindale. The driver of the vehicle fled the scene but someone was arrested shortly after on suspicion of felony manslaughter, felony drunk driving and felony hit-and-run. |
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| What to do if you are involved in a bicycle crash? |
| | | | Resources if your loved one was killed in a bike crash |
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| Metro as a Sanctuary: Reimagining Safety on Public Transit |
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View the webinar where ACT-LA talks about their new report that includes recommendations for transit ambassadors, outreach for unhoused riders, and other new programs like elevator attendants. |
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| Metro as a Sanctuary: Reimagining Safety on Public Transit |
| View the webinar where ACT-LA talks about their new report that includes recommendations for transit ambassadors, outreach for unhoused riders, and other new programs like elevator attendants. |
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| Marley Blonsky and Kailey Kornhauser, who self-identify as fat, will be teaching a one hour webinar called “Biking for Big People” on April 13 and April 22, 5:30 PST. As the cycling world is rapidly growing and more people of all sizes are getting into biking, Marley and Kailey are excited to share their wealth of knowledge with others who live in a large body. |
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| Marley Blonsky and Kailey Kornhauser, who self-identify as fat, will be teaching a one hour webinar called “Biking for Big People” on April 13 and April 22, 5:30 PST. As the cycling world is rapidly growing and more people of all sizes are getting into biking, Marley and Kailey are excited to share their wealth of knowledge with others who live in a large body |
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| Outride 5th Annual Research Summit |
| The summit will take place virtually and will be free for all to listen in, learn, and interact. Registration is required -- so be sure to register today! The full agenda will be released at a later date. |
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| Outride 5th Annual Research Summit |
| The summit will take place virtually and will be free for all to listen in, learn, and interact. Registration is required -- so be sure to register today! The full agenda will be released at a later date. |
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| | Send us your LA County bike-related updates and events, and we'll include them in the next newsletter (two weeks form now). Email info@la-bike.org |
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| | | Los Angeles Bicycle Coalition, PO Box 17733, Long Beach, CA 90807 213.629.2142. | info@la-bike.org la-bike.org |
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